Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Pint 4a: No more pints

Dublin, Ireland is the pub capital of the world. They don’t call it Publin for no reason. (Hey, Publin looks a lot like Publix which is a supermarket in the States.) Tonight is my last night in Publin and I am trying to decide if I should go out and get one last pint. I don’t think I will. A few years ago, when I first started consuming alcohol, I had a rather wise policy of never spending money for alcohol. It made sense at the time. I wasn’t a big drinker. Actually, didn’t even like the stuff and not spending money for a drink was prudent. That has changed over the years. I have grown to enjoy certain alcohols. Wine is my favorite. Something red and sweet. I like the dry stuff too, but sweet is favorite. Coming over here to Ireland, I have tried the various whiskeys and I am a fan of them too. I am not a connoisseur of whiskey just yet, or wine for that matter, but I am realizing that a good whiskey is better than a cheap one as is a good wine a cheap wine.

This new taste has not helped my pocket book. (I am also guessing that my parents, tea-totellers, are a little upset that I writing so much about alcohol.) I still don’t like beer. Being in Ireland, I tried Guinness. It just didn’t do anything for me. I have stopped drinking Guinness, which is a sin here. Tonight will be no exception. If I do go out, it will be for one shot. But on the up side, I am going to Scotland, which is more famous for whiskey, and so maybe I will save my pennies till then. On the down side, Ireland has the Euro and Scotland the Pound. Everything is more expensive there so maybe a drink here isn’t a bad idea. I wouldn’t even be having this discussion if there was anything else to do in Publin in the evening. All the businesses seem to shut down around 1800 and the only thing left to do is hit a Pub.

There isn’t much to say to catch you up on the last few days. I purposely didn’t post anything for just that reason. Sunday, I went and played golf. I wanted to go to church and golf is the next best thing, right? At least that is what I thought growing up. (Just kidding dad!) It was a 18 hole pitch and putt. I shot a 26 over par, +16 on the front nine, +10 on the back. I made one birdie from off the green, a number of saved pars, and never once hit the green in regulation. I was playing golf in Ireland and didn’t lose a ball; it was a successful day. Playing also spurred my desire to play again, so tomorrow I head to the Mecca of golf and hope to play a round on Thursday.

Now I am going to head to an Internet Café here in the city. I can plug my computer in, which allows me to up load a bunch of stuff to my website. Go to the “expect me” page and there are a bunch of new pictures and locations.

One thing of note, I learned today that Haggard is actually Scottish in origin. The Haggard’s are from the Highlands, a sept of the Clan Ross. So I am Jason Haggard of the Clan Ross. I like how that sounds. I think I am going to buy a kilt while in Scotland. Haggard is derived from the Gaelic form Mac-an-t-sagairt, which means son of the priest. Fitting isn’t it? I guess my line of work was destined. I think it is cool. Scotland is going to be cool, too.

Until then and tomorrow.



  1. Ahhh . . . you answered my picture question.

    At least you can say you were in a pub in Ireland and had a pint. That's fun all by itself.

    And I can't imagine that your parents are the type to be disappointed because you're talking about something that you made the adult decision to do (drink), and they made the adult decision not to do. They're much better than that.

  2. regarding alcohol......I too have become fond of various drinks since reaching my thirties. my first taste of beer was after my thirtieth birthday. my parents, also tee-totallers, would share the sentiment of jason's parents........i offer the following: personal preference is often confused with moral absolutes. many people can not seperate the two, and therefore impose their preference on others and morality. i understand jason's parents opinion, however, i share jasons recent exposure the the pleasure of responsibly enjoying a shot of fine whiskey or glass of wine.... next time we see each other, i will introduce you to yuengling, a lager that you will indeed find quite magnificent.
