Monday, February 21, 2005

A point?

If you are reading this then that means you have been to my website, I think. Hopefully that means you red some stuff on my site. Which then means you already know what my 5ki115 are with this whole web thing. You should also know that I am in the process of learning new things and expanding my mind, which is a wonderful thing to do all the time and I recommend it to anyone, everyone.

These last few days I have been down at my Grandma's and with little else to do, I have been surfing the web extensively and am currently hooked on the random browsing of other people's blogs. Again, a recommendation I would have for all of you. There are so many out there, you can literally surf forever and never run out of stuff. This is much better than regular Internet surfing because most blogs are personal in nature so you aren't bogged down my all the commercialism and people trying to take your money anyway possible. I imagine, thought, that blogging and industry will figure out a way to ruin blogs too and the commercialism will take over just like it does everything else. Yes, I am a pessimist, but I feel pessimism is the best way to go because you are either right or pleasantly surprised. Until that happens though, enjoy the pure expounding of a generation. I do.

OK, there is a point to this rambling. I was surfing through a blog and found this age measuring site. I doubt I am being even close to original in my completing the survey and then posting my results on my blog, but as I said, I am working on learning this stuff so I can't expect to be original, ever. Soon I may even figure out how to post a picture. So here is my age, read'm and weep. This age comes from my amazing, self-righteous, goodie-two-shoes upbringing.

I am going to die at 83. When are you? Click here to find out!

Enjoy figuring out when God will get fed up with you. Probably sooner than you think. See told you I was self righteous.


PS: I just finished spell checking this posting and has anybody asked the question, "When is blogspot going to add blog, blogs, blogger, blogging, etc. to its database?"

Sunday, February 20, 2005


So I haven't been here in a while and frankly I don't have anything to say, but my blog was feeling kind of lonely so I figured I would give it a little loving.

I am down in California for the weekend. A short trip to visit grandma was in order before heading off to the great unknown. Speaking of the great unknown, anyone have a recommendation on where I should live? I laugh even now as I ask that question. I laugh because, 1. Nobody is going to read this, 2. If you do read this and respond, chances are I won't take your advice, 3. Anyone whose advice I would take, I talk to in person and already know their recommendations, at least most of them. But really, don't be discouraged because I really do want your advice. No seriously.

I need advice on two things, job and work.


Thursday, February 3, 2005

Almost there, almost there!

Wow, three days remain of my employment by the United States Army. On the 6th day of February, 2005, I am released from active duty and return to my original status of a drilling reservist. Granted, I won't be your typical "drilling" reservist. It will be a few months before I actually go back to drilling. I will be taking full advantage of the 90 days allotted reservist coming off AD. A bit of traveling and relaxing is in order.

The reality of my removal has caused me ponder the consequences of this new, but inevitable event.

I am already starting to miss being on AD. I am not sure, though, if it is the job and daily routine that I will miss, or the over $5000 a month they are paying me. As I said, I am not sure, but if I had to wager a guess, my money would be on the $5k. See, for at least the last three months, and arguably the last nine, I haven't had a job or daily routine, so it is hard to say that I am going to miss something that was never there. Oh, I did do some odd activities from time to time, and I kept busy, for the most part, but day in and day out, I was bored.

Working for a living is over rated! That is what I used to think, at least. Now, not so much. See, I am starting to be more forward looking in my decisions and I see a job as a necessary part of preparing a place for a family. Since I have decided that I do in fact want a family, my thoughts have led me the logical conclusions of today. My dad always said that I should get a job and start saving for when I have a family and my response was always to laugh because, like every other young human, the future was something to deny. Now, as I grow older and hopefully up, I see the wisdom of my father. Funny how much smarter your parents become the older you get. That is not a new revelation, but for me, still, a revelation.

So I am warming to the idea of work, but that doesn't mean that a job is top priority. Warming does not mean I am ready. As with everything in life, it is a process. I have only just begun that process and over the next few months my gradual acceptance of the inevitable I spoke of before will allow me to say job without studdering and hold one longer than I can my breath. We will see and you will have to stay in touch to know if that is true.

But as I am always apt to quote, "There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all!" Meaning, I want a real job that will negate any possible uselessness. This is why this job will not happen over night.
