Wednesday, April 6, 2005


So I am back at the computer, but this time I don't really have anything exciting to talk about. I mean seriously, how much stuff can one person possibly do in a 24 hour period, especially stuff that other people would be interested in. It has always baffled me that a person can write an entire book. Hundreds of pages about the same thing. I can barely get a 500 word essay down on paper without becoming bored myself. In fact this lone paragraph has caused me to yawn extensively and my eyes are starting to cross. Focusing is hard.

I can't even think of a witty quote or quip to end with. (What is a quip anyway? You hear people talking about Quips and Quotes, but I don't know the former.) I leave you with this.

"The breakfast of champions is not a cereal. It is your opposition." - Some famous sporting coach.

Until then and tomorrow.


PS I wanted everyone (Erika and Dan) to know two things. First, I don't have an editor so when the spell check doesn't catch a word and it is close enough, (Come on, one letter???) give a guy a little slack. Second, I realize 13 is young and I don't go for that sort of thing, but I will try to be more cognizant next time, thanks for pointing it out. I was hoping it would just slide by as artistic license. Little does everyone know how much artistic license I take in the first place.


  1. haha.

    On a heavier note, a Chinook crashed in Kabul recently, though I'm sure you get news there too.

    -Dan Nieport

  2. So what's with the quote? I've always liked breakfast... How could it be my opposition? I think you need to explain yourself. Your writings have been most entertaining (I just caught up). Keep up the good work. And check your email cause I sent you one.

  3. Ohhh, now I get it. Champions eat their opposition for breakfast, not a cereal. got it. I still prefer a hot bowl of oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar to anything else.

  4. haha, Ill let up a little, but only a little, waxed was just too much to let slide ;) But how can any day be so boring you have nothing to write about when you are traveling the globe? Unlike you I am stuck in seattle for the moment (But I really love it here, so not really stuck..) with no idea when I will get to travel next so I am very much looking forward to the updates, and Im feeling jipped.
    And I wanted to say hello to tim, the globe traveler and missionary to africa -which Im still so incredibly excited for you tim!- But I would have to definately put a vote in for cheerios for breakfast, just plain cheerios with milk on the side. mmmm
