Sunday, February 5, 2006

Super bowl over

We will see where this goes. I honestly can't say because my mind is literally in a 1000 places right now. If itwasn't 10:10 on a Sunday night, work looming in the near future, and if I had enough speed and caffeine to keep me awake, I could write a book. I will give it my best shot and most likely what you, the masses, read will not be what was penned this evening.

As mentioned, it is 10:10 on Sunday evening. Black Sunday as it will now be known, and said first (maybe) by yours truly. The Seahawks lost tonight. Which is not even close to why I am in the state that I am in. It was a glorious run, for what looked like a better part of three quarters, I was feeling a victory, but alas the gods were against us. It is probably because we are the least churched city in American and you know how they love their churches. But enough about that. I really don't care and I know no one will believe me, especially after I start this blog with them. But in my defense, they are the biggest pop culture event and as I have always been one to play to the masses, you got to catch them in their place. Feed the animal and it will come back for more. Seriously, I make good money writing this shtuff and I know where my base is.

The really story, however, lies in the after game show. That show and everything things else that has happened in my life over the last three weeks. Three weeks, what is that? It is absurd to think that the feelings I have after only three weeks, which was preceded by maybe a month, are feelings I could possibly consider really. What are three weeks in eternity, what is a month? Sorry, I am off subject.

The after game show was of the recently nominated film, Crash. And film would be the appropriate designation. My brother and I, when we were out "bonding", were talking over the last holidays about the difference between a movie and a film. I don't remember what a lot of those distinctions where, but I can tell you what I do remember and I know that from what I remember that Crash is a film. Crash is probably the most profound movie I have seen in, forever. Well, forever is a long time, so let's go with, "as long as I can remember at this point."

The thing with the movie is that it fits right into everything I have been reading and hearing about us pathetic humans. Here is the deal. We suck! Really, we suck hard core. There is nothing good about us, and if you think otherwise, that just proves my point. In crash, there wasn't one good person. Anyone you thought was good ended up being bad, and the bad guys came out looking a little better, but only a little. All of them sucked. And that is humans. We suck!

On my Sundays, I am told that time and time again. It sounds harsh to hear it here, and it even sounds that way on most Sundays, but it sounds harsh because it is true. "Reality is like a fine wine, it doesn't appeal to children." - stolen from a quote of a quote of a book by an author who I read once, recently. When I read that, the world made sense, if only for the moment. I am a child and I don't like the reality of life because it is hard, and harsh, and no fun and work, and people are mean and they suck and they are selfish, cruel, bias, racist, short sighted, ignorant, blind, deaf, and dumb. If we weren't like that then the world would be heaven. But it is so obviously not heaven that at times I want to scream. Luckily those times are few and far between and even in those few and far times, I can manage to go without because I know a little something else. (OK maybe I do scream, but I would deny it and you couldn't prove it if you wanted to.)

What I am trying to say is that I suck too. All those adjectives describe me just as much as the next human. Everyone says it, only in a nicer way. "Nobody's perfect! We all make mistakes." In Crash, I related to so many of the characters. The one I related to the most today was the TV producer/director. The tragic scene where his wife is being, well, raped, by that sleazy cop and he just stands there silent, is more than I can

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