Saturday, January 21, 2006


So a short update is in order. It would be a good guess that if anyone is still reading this blog, then they would be interested in the following happenings. If you read this blog because of all the insightful, witty, and intelligent blogs that normally happen, then you will want to skip this one as it will be all about me.

Let’s start with the most recent stuff and work backwards.

I just finished my first three days of working for Clothier & Head PS. When I say work, I mean an actual position for which I will receive money and a W-2 (I mention that because if you have clicked the link you will see that C&H is a CPA firm). My position can best be described as mail boy, but I quickly moved beyond that and into a word processor position. When I say quickly, I mean they moved me before day one; it was nothing of my doing. In the capacity of word processing, my job duties are not limited to, but include the following: typing up tax forms on an ancient IBM word processor( i.e. mastering white-out, yelling at the machine, and wondering often what century it is.), scanning hard copies of documents into soft copies, typing up and editing letters, inputting new client information into the computers (this includes putting the same information into three different databases, none of which talk to each other, a problem soon to be rectified), making coffee, cleaning the kitchen, answering the phones, and anything else that the lowest man on the totem pole would do.

After three days, I am pretty excited. Let me explain why. This is a great company, about 50 people total, with a great atmosphere and climate. At various times throughout the year, I am told, the entire company has a 5:01. This is when at exactly 5:01pm, company purchased beer and wine, cheese, crackers, and anything else snacky, are laid out in the cafĂ© and a party ensues. We had one of these just yesterday as a kick off for the busy tax season coming up. I was pouring myself a nice Merlot when the CEO, Mike Vanderslice, aka The Slice, looks up and says, “Jason, how has your first week been?” He remembered my name, pretty cool. We then proceeded to talk for the next 20 minutes about the company, my observations, my history, and such. I was in a sort of kissing ass mood and proceeded to be very complimentary of the company, him as the CEO, and the general attitudes and philosophies that I had seen such far. Let me continue that here and say that he and the company are pretty cool. At one point he asked me why a helicopter captain, army officer, was doing his word processing. I explained my goals in ministry a bit and he seemed very interested. The best part of the conversation was when we talked about leadership. Having some experience in that, I told him how I saw that his company had some markers of good leaders; I explained my philosophy of how it is the leader’s job to make the life of those working for him easier, essentially, the leader works for the lead. The Slice asked me if I had heard of a concept called servant leadership. Hmm… I said I had.

This new job has been long in coming, I really do enjoy my co-workers, and the work itself is super easy. The first day, I found myself folding envelopes. For about three hours I stood there, all dressed up in a shirt with buttons, non-cargo-pants, and black leather, Allen Edmonds, $285.00, shoes, folding thousands of folders. My thoughts were, “I can’t believe I am folding these things”, followed quickly by, “I can’t believe they are paying me to fold these things.” It should be interesting to see just what God has in store in that place. His glory I am guessing.

Other things: I moved to Ballard, I might have mentioned that; I did get a new car, 1993 Honda Accord EX, sunroof and all. The mechanic has it right now to check up on things. Frustratingly, I gave it to him last Tuesday and when I called him yesterday, he still hadn’t gotten to it. The Holidays were spent in Georgia. I turned 30 (Had the best birthday in years. Three friends and I drove to Cannon Beach, about 4 hours, for lunch.). Doing more at Mars Hill. I was moved into the service lead for the security team at the 0830 and will hopefully start doing stuff with PROXY, the youth group. That is about all I care to share at this point.

Life is going pretty good. It is definitely better than I deserve.

It is tomorrow.


  1. I think I emailed you on your birthday, but if I neglected to, Happy belated birthday. Old man.

    An easy job can get boring quickly, though, so try to find ways to keep it interesting. Good luck with your new work, though.

  2. Finally a blog your mother can love AND understand.

  3. ha! Oh man, being a vet and being a chem major, I can totally feel the appeal of that job! I hope to get something similar this summer.

    Happy birthday - 30?! Wow, you're old! As old as I am now! We are old! What happened to the good old days? Good thing I took pictures of those barn forts and crawdad fishing adventures because those memories are getting a little foggy.

  4. Jason!

    Happy Birthday!

    As for your job... good luck with that. I hope that you are happy there. I really want to move back to Seattle and find a Fisheries oriented job. I hope to find one soon in the metro area...

    Got any leads?



  5. Um, yeah... Kenton, No leads here, I will keep my eyes open though. Thanks for the birthday wished too, Adam and Kenton.

  6. Hey, in case your email changed, can you shoot me a new email addy?

    -Dan Nieport

  7. I'm glad you like it here. We like having you! Also, the IBM typewriter just needs a master, and I'd be happy to show you how to break its will... :^)

  8. jason jason. it's been so long. and you've turned 30. well, welcome to the good years. where the questions get deeper and just don't stop coming. happy belated birthday. i'm off to israel friday but let's talk in a couple weeks when i'm back. love.
