Thursday, September 1, 2005

Jared's fault!!

I just spent the better part of five hours playing on the computer with my younger brother. Not a good start to September. Well, spending time with Jared was good (he is home bound because of the Appendix they just removed from his stomach), but September needs to be for something else. It is my desire that I pen an autobiography of sorts. I have been thinking about it for the past few weeks, but nothing has made it to the page. The biggest problem is that I imagine it as this huge task, something that will take weeks, if not months, and so I get all caught up in thinking about how much work it will be that I end up doing nothing and getting no closer to finishing it.

It also doesn't help that I have scheduled so much stuff into this month. I leave for Canada in the morning, butt stinking early morning; I got to be in Bellevue at 0400. Ugh! That is about six hours earlier than I am used to rising. But I am not complaining, this weekend is the Young Life leadership weekend so I will be meeting a bunch of YLers and hopefully getting connected with a school or area.

After that, next week is sort of open, but then there is drill (suck) and then camping, then traveling to Georgia to see the rents and bro. I get back on the 21st, only to start class on the 22nd. At some point, I need to think about work and then prepare for the two week, cross country, 5000 mile drive I will be taking to CA, AZ, TX, CO, WY, MT and home.

Busy life! On the go! Probably not good! When will things settle? Not until I decide I want them to be that way. Which I am coming around to the idea of. I have almost accepted the lot that I will be getting a full-time job and not just a temporary one. This will be my first fulltime job, not including the Army, in over five years. That is a long time if anyone didn't already know it.

Well, I got to get running. No literally, I am going for a run. I have only sat on my butt this whole day so I need to do something.

It is tomorrow.



  1. haha, I hope you have fun in canada, and that you get to relax a little in the lovely nation to the north, to narnia and the north! (the horse and his boy has got to be one of my favorite books)
    ohhh cannnadaaaaa...

  2. jason did you love malibu? i'd never seen such beauty. i don't blame you for going just to see the place. i'm sure all the other stuff (meeting people, the Jesus time) all fell into place. it's not always what gets us to places. it's what we do when we're there.
    thanks for the props. it's embarrassing. i'd write more if i would just sit my ass down and do it more often. but i want to be inspired before i do.
