Thursday, June 2, 2005

Day 85b: My Genius Friend Adam

So I know this guy named Adam. He is one of my best friends and the friend I have known longer than any other. We met my freshman year in High School, but didn't really get to know each other until sophomore year and really my junior year. He lives in Altamonte Springs just outside of Orlando, FL with his wife, Amy, now I believe, two dogs. Without trying to sound like I am kissing up, he is one of the smartest people I know, which says a lot because I know tons of smart people. He helps me out with any computer problems that I have. My website and this blog exist because of him. I tell you all this because, as you have read, his last comment has made it possible for me to reply to emails.

It is great. I can now get back with everyone without writing to them in my blog. I don't know how Adam knows all these things. He got his undergraduate in like Japanese or something and then went to Law School at WU, Washington University, as opposed to my alma mater, University of Washington. As I said, he is a smart dude and runs a large Internet/Doctor/Job finding company, If you are a doctor or future doctor and need a job, look his company up.

Adam, thank you for helping me out.

I have another post in the works. It will follow shortly.

Until then and tomorrow.



  1. Thanks for the shout-out. Happy to help.

    Only one dog. We decided that trying to raise and train two at the same time would kill us.

    If Jason had any bad influences in his life during high school, I was one of them. Remember what we used to do to cars next to us at stoplights? That was sooo bad.

    Glad you're up and running again.

  2. what the hell did you do to people at stoplights??!
