Thursday, January 20, 2005

In the beginning...

Oh, the agony. I went to spell check my first entry only to be foiled by Microsoft once again. I had to allow pop-ups from this site and in doing so, I erased my first entire. I hate computers. Just kidding, nice computer!!

Anyway, I was saying that I am entering the 21st Century finally and am doing as everyone else is and starting a blog, hey all the kids are doing it, right? This blog, may or may not ever see the light of the World Wide Web, and if it is being especially good, I might attach a link to my official website and then this thing will really be rocking. But that is not going to happen tonight.

It is already very late and I have spent an unusual amount of time sitting at this desk. For those of you that know, that means I have spent a lot of time doing nothing. But such is the life of a government employee.

So for everyone out there, from the mouth of Garrison Keillor, "Be well, do good work, and keep in touch."

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm a government employee and I don't have time to sit at my desk and do nothing...must have been nice while it lasted, huh? Hey, at least I have a planning period to waste!

