Friday, July 7, 2006

A window?

The choice—swim or blog? The answer is clear. Now you may be asking why not both? Well that is because I have somewhere to be in less than an hour. Actually the blog happened because I forgot that I also needed to go to the store before my 7:00 engagement, so swimming was really out of the question. SO lets get to the blog.

On the bus riding home from work, I sat across from this girl. She was cute. We kept stealing glances at each other. I would catch her looking at me, and she I. Each time either of our eyes would dart away avoiding any sort of eye contact. It wasn’t a big deal, I mean it didn’t happen more than three or four times over the course of the 30 minute ride. Here is my question: Why?

Why did both of us want to watch the other, but neither wanted to actually interact? One thought comes from another’s idea I recall. The eyes are the window to the soul. So much can be learned from the intent gaze of another and there is vulnerability in that. Next time you are around a child of less than one year observe. They will stare intently into your eyes. No blinking, no hint of shame or embarrassment, only pure intrigue. They have not yet grown to doubt themselves and question the motives of this world. Maybe that is what He means when He says, “faith like a child?”

If the eyes are the window to our soul, then it is understandable that those who think their soul something to hide would cast their eyes to the ground and shun the possibility that another person could access that part of their existence. I find that disturbing and sad but at the same time, understandable. We are all hiding something.

Well, that is all I have for now, off to a Bar-B-Q. I wonder what souls will be seen tonight.

It is tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. I love that about children
    and I hate how our insecurities and fears make us look away as adults - that was such an interesting thing to write about! definately makes me think about eye contact a bit more
