Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Narcissism at its best.

Somehow I missed this post on Adam's blog, but after he put up the results, I went back, added my 2 cents and am copying his thing.

So below are two links, one for good attributes of yours truly, one for bad. Follow the links below, the rest is self explanatory.

Enjoy, I'll post the results eventually.

It is tomorrow.



  1. I love you, and I look up to you; you're a great brother.

  2. Wow, that's hard! Very hard to pick the good and bad things. Also hard since we haven't been around each other in so long! ha ha.

    Well Slovakia was this past week. It was a lot of fun. Different from last year, but definitely very good. Best part was that Tom (the hubby, recently returned from deployment) was able to go too! It was awesome for us to be able to do that together.

    How are you man?
