Friday, August 12, 2005

How exciting is this.

I haven't figured out how to post pictures the way I would like to, but this is working sort of.

I am sitting at a coffee shop which closes in 20 minutes so this will be short. I am back in Seattle, if I didn't mention that already. The first things on my list to do after getting back was find a ministry and I think I have that covered, Young Life is very active in this area and also church, Hope, is looking to start an urban youth ministry. Both of those are going to take some time so until then, I don't know.

The second thing to do is find a place to live. That should be covered also. I put in an application for this one place in Greenlake. It is a two bedroom place in the basement of a house, the owners are Christians that go to Mars Hill and I would be rooming with what seems like a pretty cool dude. He put on the advertisement for a new roommate, "Easy going Christian guy, likes to rock climb, looking for..." I thought, score, sounds perfect. I saw the place and besides a smaller than I would like kitchen, it is perfect. Now it is just a matter of being accepted, but I met and talked with the owner this afternoon and I think I am a go.

The next step after housing is finding a job. Job, I hate that word. But I know that it is essential, I can't live off of savings forever.

Well, my time is almost up so I will have to get back with all you sometime later. Next time I promise to tell you about my trip up here and driving off the road into a ditch. I have pictures and since I think I have pretty much got it down, I will post them. If not here, then on my website. Oh, be looking for a lot of new postings on the website shortly. I will have my first broad band connection in months so things should be a lot easier to post, pictures, pictures, pictures.


Why doesn't this work???? If you saw this pic it would be of where my car went off the road.


  1. Look at that beard! Did birds nest in it?

    Are you keeping the soulpatch? Yikes.

    What type of work/job are you looking for? Any ideas?

  2. Glad to hear that the place is probably going to be working out...and welcome back, it was good to see ya the other day.

  3. No, the soul patch is gone too. Work? Probably some sort of temp work for now. I want to be free to take time off to travel and do other necessary things.

  4. Well, let me know if you can't find anything that you like. I can probably set you up with some decent work that wouldn't pay too horribly.

  5. yay! you're home! So when do I get to see you? and all the amazing pictures? (and I left a comment on my blog about pics, but you look like you have it anyway!) Let me know when you are free after this week, and if Im not working next sunday, compline?

  6. Im glad you're home. Being home is a nice feeling.

    Im SO glad I dont have to see you without the goatee. It would be too weird.... like you weren't Jason or something. I dunno. It's like Austin without his hair. *cringes*

    I hope the house and job work out for you. Come back soon!!!
