Saturday, July 23, 2005

Day 139: Am I still on vacation?

Should I still be counting the days of my travels seeing that I am sort of back? I don't know, maybe. Yeah, I think so because I started the day counting thing when I left Seattle and was driving in the first place.

Two quick things before I go to bed at the un-godly hour of 10:37 (notice I am using the American way of writing the time, seeing that I am back in the USA).

First thing is that we are fat. When I say we I mean those of us who call our country the greatest one in the world. I went to the mall today and I couldn't help but notice that we are fat. I am fat. I know what some of you are saying, "that I am too hard on myself and that I shouldn't think that," but it is true. You notice things a little more when you don't see them as often. Being on the other side of the world, a much skinnier side, I am now noticing that we Americans are fat. Frankly it is disgusting. (I hope no one is offended by that last comment, well maybe I'm not)

Second thing is that "War of the Worlds" sucks. When I say sucks, I mean it really is awful. One of the worst movies I have seen in years. Ironically though, now I want to read the book just to compare and maybe figure out what the movie was about. The movie had no plot, no characters, no redeeming qualities, no story or point. It was just plain terrible. I would highly recommend that no one go see it ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. I couldn't type enough evers. Don't see it in the cheap theater, don't even rent it. Watch the grass grow, it would be time better spent.

Fort Campbell is tomorrow's destination.

Until then and tomorrow.



  1. 1st of all, how much of Europe smokes? And from age 10?

    2nd of all, you must have been tired when you saw WOTW. It was a great movie, and the whole point is that there was nothing he could do but try to survive. With the theme and many of the vignettes within, it is taken exactly from the original HG Wells book. The characters were excellent, and the actors did a great job.

    Maybe you accidentally saw Pootie Tang 2: The search for more pootie and the sign just said War of the Worlds.

  2. Whatever dude, the movie sucked and yes all of Europe smokes.

  3. Yeah, I have to agree with you Jason. War of the Worlds. Ew. Just left the movie theater feeling disgusting and disappointed and terrible. It really did change the mood that I was in. It was very disappointing. Oh well. Hope you're enjoying your time back in the states.

  4. I guess if you've read the original literature, the movie makes much more sense.

    And anyone who can leave that movie feeling depressed (after Ray triumphs over adversity and realizes that he truly treasures his family above all else) is probably someone who thought Herbie: Fully Loaded or The Perfect Man were good, high quality cinema.

    Sorry, but it's just the truth. It's okay that you don't have any taste in movies, though. I forgive you.

  5. War of the Worlds...SUCKED.
    It was a bad movie. Bad.
    Tom Cruise was stupid. It
    was all gross.
    Anyway, I totally agree with
    you about America's issue with
    that. It's shocking..especially
    after being over here for so
    Oh yes...and...
    Post pictures, Jason, come ON!
    Or at least send them via email.
    We are all waiting. :)

  6. Haven't seen it yet, and probably won't. I really REALLY dont like Tom Cruise. He is, how you say, ANNOYING!! His Scientology crap is REALLY getting on my nerves. (sorry to all you scientology peoples...but it's true)

    Yes Jason, PLEASE post piccies!!!!

  7. yah pleez pleez pleez <3<3<3 post sum piccies Jason!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111 That would be like OMGBBQ so kewl!!!!1111111111!!!!!!!! My life is incomplete until u do!

  8. It has come to my attention that I no longer have Season Three of ALIAS. Why is that? Because Jason Haggard borrowed it. Well that's all good and stuff, except for the part where he is now back in America. Well just a reminder that I would like to have that back sometime soon. It doesn't belong to me, so, yeah...need that.

    Other than that. Hope you're doing well! Pictures, boy, pictures.

  9. OMGBBQ? MMmm...BBQ.

    Yes on both counts: Americans are BIG. and - WOTW sucked hard. This is what drove me nuts: noone listens! Geez, I don't care if you're a "tough, stubborn New Yorker," when a giant 3 legged pod is vaporizing people, you best start running as hard as you can and hide because just standing there, and NOT listening to people who just might know better isn't going to get you ahead in life. damn, I hated that movie. Ok, back to the reading...

    -Dan Nieport
