I am trying to process and write down some thoughts from the last two weeks. There are about 40 emails in my in box that I need to respond to. The Clay’s house is full of entertaining things like DVDs, Internet (like the one on I am right now), music, food, quiet, aloneness, books, and all sorts of places to explore. Oh, by the way. I am staying at the Clay’s house for the next few nights. Corrigan Clay is down in Italy, Shelley and their daughter, Keziah are both in the States which means that I have the run of the house. It also means that no one is a round to tell me to do or not do anything in particular. I am suffering from a lack of…
Jocelyn Cary left a picture album in the basement of the Swope’s house. While I was down there collecting my stuff in preparation for the move to the Clay’s, the album proved too much temptation and I flipped through it. Jocelyn had added pictures of her graduation from Wheaton College in Illinois and the following summer in Alaska. On one of the pages, a sticker was placed off to one side. It was small and the words on it where short, but they said a lot. Those words are my theme for the next three weeks.
“Start slow & taper off.”
That should be a theme for most people’s lives. We are much to rushed, Americans at least. The Italians know how to do it, so do the Spanish. Spain invented the Siesta. America, like it has done with ever other aspect of the world’s culture, should adopt that part of it too. There is a great Calvin and Hobbes strip that captures this idea perfectly. Calvin is standing at the bus stop with Hobbes at his side. He is, of course, complaining. This time it is about the pace of life and how unhealthy it is. Calvin says that he should be able to start the day out with a cup of coffee, a nice leisurely breakfast, the morning paper. Ease into the day. Hobbes points out that the morning would be lost and it would be noon before he knew it. Calvin responses,”Right, and then it is time to kick back for a siesta and start planning the evening meal.” I am all for that.
Take now! It is just past 2pm. I am sitting at the couch typing this post. My morning started around 0930 with a bowl of Raisin Bran, glass of not from concentrate OJ, and two extra strength non-aspirin pain relievers (I will explain those later). Following a delicious and healthy breakfast, I moved into a QQT (Quality Quiet Time) with Jesus. He and I chatted for a couple hours, laundry got done then also. I actually started the laundry last night, but German washers and dryers take so long that I wasn’t able to finish it then. Now I am enjoying another delectable meal, PB&J, but not just any J. I bought some Raspberry preserves at the commissary yesterday and was pretty happy about that, but this morning I made a grand discovery. While I was out back sitting in the sun enjoying the QQT, I noticed the fence line contained some large green leafed vines with small red things attached all over. After a closer examination, I realized that the neighbors behind the Clay’s house had a wonderful garden and their raspberry plants had grown large and over the fence. The delectable little morsels had made their way into “my” yard and hence, based on the rules of possession, became “mine”. I picked them and am now enjoying J with fresh raspberries mixed in. It is glorious.
In my attempt to start slow and taper off, I have pretty much accomplished everything I want to today. If I feel up to it, I might join some of the guys for a LAN party, but only if I feel like getting my but kicked in War Craft III. If I don’t go and do that, then I will probably just hang out here, reply to some mail and watch a few movies. Oh, and watch Stage II of the Tour de Lance.
Did I tell you guys of my plans that fell through? I was hoping to make a quick road trip into France and watch Lance on his final ride. That isn’t going to happen, (tears roll at this point) so instead I am going to make every effort to watch them on the TV and cheer loudly when he spirits through Germany during Stages 7 and 8.
Here is a good place for the story to end, but I plan on continuing my time at the computer so another post will follow shortly.
Until then and tomorrow.