Sunday, February 20, 2005


So I haven't been here in a while and frankly I don't have anything to say, but my blog was feeling kind of lonely so I figured I would give it a little loving.

I am down in California for the weekend. A short trip to visit grandma was in order before heading off to the great unknown. Speaking of the great unknown, anyone have a recommendation on where I should live? I laugh even now as I ask that question. I laugh because, 1. Nobody is going to read this, 2. If you do read this and respond, chances are I won't take your advice, 3. Anyone whose advice I would take, I talk to in person and already know their recommendations, at least most of them. But really, don't be discouraged because I really do want your advice. No seriously.

I need advice on two things, job and work.



  1. I think you should live near your parents, where ever they happen to end up!

  2. You should live within one hour or less drive from your parents. It's in the Bible.

  3. "anonymous" sounds biased. I know who you are.
